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Retirement village managers: the secret to a great retirement
Throughout retirement, your retirement village manager is with you. They’ll be there not only to run the village but to offer you support and be your advocate.
Downsize in retirement: don’t waste your greatest asset
Downsizing in retirement is a great way to reduce maintenance and increase cash flow. In this blog we’ll explore the advantages of downsizing and your options.
Three retirement planning tips for a great retirement
Planning for retirement can be equal parts exciting and scary. Our team has put together three tips to empower you to start planning your best retirement today.
What is a DMF? Understanding your Deferred Management Fee
The DMF ¬– or ‘deferred management fee’ – is the exit fee from a retirement village. It is usually paid out of the sale price of the unit and is a source of profit for retirement village operators.
How to protect your pension as you enter retirement or care
Moving into a retirement village or care home can be stressful enough without having to worry about your pension. Here are some tips for keeping your payments.
Why choose a retirement village?
When the time comes to leave the family home, deciding where to move can be tricky. Retirement villages are purpose built for older people and have many practical and lifestyle advantages.