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Money, Retirement

When should you claim the Aged Pension?  

When to claim the aged pension is a question that arises as you approach retirement.  As you reach that stage in your life, you began to question how much is in your superannuation account and what you have to live on as you enter into…


How many Australians are retiring every day? 

800 Australians are due to retire every day for the next decade, giving them access to a whopping $1.5 trillion in superannuation. The Financial Services Council (FSC) believes the Baby Boomers will not spend all their super and save some for their kids. Such action…


Pets in retirement living: does it actually work? 

The idea of allowing one’s pet into a retirement village once was strictly a “no”. Nowadays, two-thirds of Australian households have a pet, which are an integral part of the household’s lives. In addition, it has been found by academics to be good for an…