Thinking about moving to retirement living? Here’s what to consider about location
When exploring retirement villages or land lease communities, I’ve spoken with many people who moved from completely different areas. Whether it’s to be closer to family, friends, or healthcare services, one thing many people consider is the location. One couple I spoke with, who had…
A love story at Bolton Clarke Rowes Bay: a Valentine’s Day wedding to remember
Neville Grunske and Fely Dawes tied the knot on Valentine’s Day at Bolton Clarke Rowes Bay Retirement Village in Townsville, Queensland, surrounded by friends, family, and their village community. The couple decided to get married in their retirement village to make the day even more…
Keeping muscles strong as you age: tips to combat muscle loss
Sarcopenia might not be the most exciting word to drop into conversation, but it’s a very real issue for many as we age. Sarcopenia refers to the gradual loss of muscle mass and strength, which can affect your overall health. But the good news is,…
Seachange resident Graeme Hanby: “Life in a land lease community means adventure, friendship, and travel”
Graeme Hanby and his wife moved into the Seachange Lifestyle Resort in Arundel, on Queensland’s Gold Coast, in September 2015. Since then, they’ve enjoyed a unique community experience that’s all about adventure and friendship. In 2015, Graeme and his wife bought a caravan. As they…
Support payments, including Age Pension and carer payments, to rise next month
Next month, about five million Australians will see a boost in their incomes, with increases to payments like the Age Pension, Carer Payments, Youth Allowance, JobSeeker, Disability Support Pension, and Federal Rent Assistance. The amount of the increase will depend on three measures of inflation:…
How changes in your face could predict dementia years ahead
Dementia is the leading cause of death for women and the second leading cause for men after heart disease. But did you know that changes in your face could signal the early onset of dementia – sometimes as much as a decade before a diagnosis?…