In what is being called a “national first”, people over 65 in Tasmania are being given two $100 vouchers annually to reduce the cost of sport and active recreation membership.
The initiative is being viewed as more than just a platform for physical activity.
“For older Tasmanians, we know that … to be somewhere where people are expecting you to join in a group activity and maintain the social contact that comes from that, as well as the physical exercise that the activity provides, is absolutely essential,” Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing Roger Jaensch said.
“That’s great for people. It’s also good for clubs and the other members in them to have older Tasmanians in their space, in their organisation, sharing their knowledge and perspectives and life experience as well.”
The key objective of Ticket to Wellbeing is to increase the number of older Tasmanians participating in sport and active recreation. Vouchers must be given to an Approved Activity Provider to redeem by 6 June 2025.
Council on the Ageing Tasmania CEO Brigid Wilkinson says the program recognises the importance of equity in service and support for seniors.
“All of these clubs have volunteers, a huge majority over 60, so I think it’s really important to show that we value all ages in the community, including the really valuable contributions that older Tasmanians continue to make to their local communities,” she said.
Vouchers for the program will be available in the New Year via the Ticket to Wellbeing website.