An active lifestyle is an individual choice but you surely would be swept up by what is happening on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

More than 500 athletes, volunteers and spectators, aged in their 50s to 80s, will show age is no barrier to competing on the sporting field at the GemLife Games at GemLife
Palmwoods on 5 and 6 September.

The numbers of competitors have almost doubled for the games’ second year, with participants from GemLife’s Over 50s lifestyle resorts in South-East Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria to battle it out in eight sports: tennis, pickleball, table tennis, ten-pin bowling, eight-ball pool, golf simulator, lawn bowls and swimming.

While some competitors have played for decades, others describe themselves as ‘rank amateurs’ having taken up their sport mere weeks ago, but all have one thing in common – a desire to give it a go, have fun and meet new people.

“We had 160 over 50s competing in our inaugural games last year. This year, we have more
than 280 taking part, supported by a contingent of about 200 volunteers and spectators,” GemLife Managing Director Adrian Puljich said.

“We’ve expanded the games to a two-day event, so more people can participate and have
introduced a new sport swimming.

“The spirit of the games is truly inspiring, with so many of our over 50s willing to jump in and give it a go, no matter how much experience they have – and that’s what it’s all about. Trying new things, staying active, making community connections and having a laugh.

“Some of our competitors are driving up to 20 hours to be here from our southern communities like Woodend, Victoria, and Rainbow Beach, New South Wales, with many local residents billeting them for the games, which adds to the fantastic community spirit and sense of camaraderie.”